Honestly, I no longer even know why I'm back here, last post was like 2 months before, and... Why. Anyways, I don't have many things I could talk about. Because 1) my mental health is kinda going bonkers, like mood swings, but I have no idea how I could put it in words, but lately... Continue Reading →

I haven’t been feeling the best lately…

And I definitely know that it wasn't my exams, sure I felt panicky, and by that, I mean, sweaty palms and feeling nauseous. You know, how normal people usually feel before writing an exam. But nooooo, this is different. I feel shitty for one. And I have honestly, no clue, why. I still don't. I... Continue Reading →

I can’ t even.

Honestly I don't give two shits about grammar, my laptop's doing that for me. So where was I, you ask? Or maybe not, I'm going to tell you anyways. I was busy trying to adjust to 11th grade. Its not easy being a science student. Economics students at our school consider taking science as a... Continue Reading →

am I dead?

I honestly feel that although I have no blogging schedule at all, each of my posts are one month apart.Yea, I'm going to stop using school as an excuse. My finals are not over yet, Maths is left to go. And these past few weeks have been quite hectic and a lot of things has... Continue Reading →

coffee and dumb things…

It's been a month. It's come to my mind that I haven't posted for so long, but I never was the organized person who would do something the moment I thought about it. I'm a procrastinator. No. I'm a master procrastinator. And what is it like being a master procrastinator? Most of us might know.... Continue Reading →

human mind. 

The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all. It holds every irrational fear, every dark desire, every evil act, and every emotion. Everytime we pass the boundaries of what we hold our standard of good and right, the human mind is the one and only behind it. It's a force that dictates every... Continue Reading →

poem: real monsters

So, this poem was based off one of my drawings, yea. ^^ That's the one. real monsters real monsters are not the ones in the horror movies real monsters are not the one's you read in books real monsters are not the evil dragons that breathe fire nor are they the ones that creep up... Continue Reading →

looking back at 2017

Happy new year, you guys! It's been a long time now, hasn't it? It actually feels like I cut off all connections to my blog, but here I am back again. So 2017 was the year of many things. Many good things and many bad. Many news highlights, the first and foremost one being Trump... Continue Reading →

>>it’s not okay to backbite

okay, backbiting, for those who don't know, basically means to talk shit about others behind their backs. No, it's not okay, whether you talk about me Behind my back or having to hear someone talk shit about someone else, it's not great. Why am I telling you this? On Wednesday, I had tuitions, I ended... Continue Reading →

the fear that pulls me back

I look around and see people my age, mingling, in ways that I cannot understand. I cannot understand how they do it. Like, how do they talk to each other with no clammy palms and sweat under the collar. It's what I have been wondering till now, and I think I found the reason why... Continue Reading →

The last post of October

I know, I know, I am so sorry for being MIA (Missing in Action, I’m finally speaking the language of us fellow bloggers.) School has been draining a lot of energy from me, I’m getting little or no sleep, when I finally get time, I sleep. It’s been a great havoc in my sleeping schedule... Continue Reading →

A Feeling of Confidence. 💪

I don’t really know what’s happening to me at the moment but I feel confident, brave and strong. I don’t know how, from where this came from but, it’s happening, I can’t believe it. Ever since the beginning, I was never the one to stand up and voice my opinions. I was never the one... Continue Reading →

My First Q&A

Finally! I finally get the chance to do this. Few days ago, I asked on Twitter, a few questions for this very post. I’m going to answer all questions since I didn’t get many, BUT I am happy I got a few. Thank you to those who asked me questions. I’m not going to drag... Continue Reading →

Guess who’s back?!

Yes after a week of no blogging. Obviously it’s me, who else has the password to my WordPress account? Hopefully nobody else. So GUYS. I have a reason for being away for a few days. I have my mock tests going on. I did horribly in my languages test and my Social Science (for those... Continue Reading →

I am sleep deprived.

Schools been waayyyyy too hard on me. Especially since my finals are coming up, BUT ON FEBRUARY ! It doesn't help that we have the whole textbook to study either, I mean... what even? On top of studying there is the teachers' homework. There is A LOT. I slept at 11:45 at night and woke... Continue Reading →

Just Shitty Shit

Long time no see! Ok well, maybe not a long time, but it did feel like ages to me. So some of you might me thinking about what my post title means, but the truth is I am horrible when it comes to giving titles. To anything. So recently I've found out that this guy... Continue Reading →


I was supposed to have a test today from the same summer school place.  Nobody other than me bothered to show up. I sit here in class hopefully waiting for someone who was in my class to come write with me, I'm in class now as I write this. *pause* The administrator called me, it... Continue Reading →

Back to School😩

Some of you might have had their first day back to school today, some of you might be IN school as I write this. So hey guys! Tell me how your first day of school went!! It's technically not my first day cause' if you read the one of my previous post, I have told... Continue Reading →

Your Eyes are your Best Camera.

Its true. They are your best cameras cause they capture the moment you are having and keep it stored somewhere in that crowded brain of yours.  You never know when is the moment you wanna sit and capture till the very end, you can't carry a Camera with you everywhere you go, some places don't... Continue Reading →


I feel very disturbed. The thing is I don't know why. From the moment I woke up today morning I have been lashing out on everybody that comes my way. Everybody as in my mother, my little sister and my father. I really don't understand why. It's like as if there's a little crappy voice... Continue Reading →

We are reaching the start of Hellhole

Haha! Hellhole... classic name for school. Ok for some of you guys school must be starting like what... 2 weeks from now? But for me, school starts Tuesday... And I'm at that stage where I'm like, SHIT I HAVE HOMEWORK! And I am shuffling around my desk searching for my books. Fortunately (ahem, Unfortunately) I... Continue Reading →

I'm so bored I even found the word for when you use '?!'. ITS CALLED AN INTERROBANGNo title for this post cause it's got no topic in particular, just wanted to post.So what's up you guys? Few stuff have been going on for the past few days.I have made internet friends!! Yes. I feel so... Continue Reading →

What I do when I’m Bored…

Or when I don't want to *cough*study*cough*...#1 DRAWINGYES!! I draw, a lot... some of you might have seen it up on my blog but most of you might have not. Maybe in the future I'll draw more and put it up.#2 LOCK MYSELF IN THE ROOM AND DANCE STUPIDLY TO 90s DISCO MUSICNo, I'm not... Continue Reading →

I feel Ecstatic. NOT.

Why am I not feeling ecstatic you ask? Well for one, I have 60 something more maths questions in my assignment which I have to submit today. And my Grandma(dad's side) has come to visit. It's not that I don't like her or love her, but sometimes she's a bit too much for me to... Continue Reading →

OML.. If only you could help me

For those who don't now what the abbreviation OML stands for, it means Oh My Lord...I didn't post for the past few days cause' I had to console a few people who really needed the consoling... By few people I mean my mother, grandparents(maternal), my uncle(mom's bro) and me...My uncle especially, needed the consoling... For... Continue Reading →

>>our life is a roller coaster<<

Before I get into this blog post I would like to say a big thank you to all who commented about my drawing, I swear to god I was smiling the whole time as I read your comments... My life is a roller coaster... everybody's life actually. You wanna know why? There are so many... Continue Reading →

Summer School’s over… What Now?

Yes! Summer School's over and now I really don't know what to do. Before we had these assignments keeping me busy and stuff but that really isn't the case right now. Sure I have a lot of school projects but I ain't finishing it any time soon... I'll probably wait until the last few days... Continue Reading →

junior cooking shows 🍳

Ok, lemme' get this straight between you and me, I HATE JUNIOR COOKING SHOWS... Not only watching it is annoying but everyone around me just annoys me with it too... I mean not only that, it just makes me question my existence... like why am I here? So many, SO MANY KIDS so talented with... Continue Reading →

My iPad’s Top 10– Music List

Well I wasn't really getting any creative stuff to put on my blog today so I came up with this. Basically I put my iPad music on shuffle and I'll write down the first 10 songs that comes up.Ok, Here we go...#1 Final Song- MØ#2 Scared to be Lonely- Martin Garrix & Dua Lipa #3... Continue Reading →

summer school 🤢

You know those times when you HATE your life just because you can't find a few answers to your assignment from school? Well that's what I'm going through. With Physics. It's just frustrating, you get what I'm saying? And it doesn't help that the due date is TODAY. For those of you wondering, 'Who the... Continue Reading →


So, I have finally decided to become a blogger… I mean, yeah, this has been on my mind for months but I couldn’t come up with a name, what I’m going to write about… I admit, I still don’t, but there’s always a first time for everything, right? I’m not ready to reveal my identity but... Continue Reading →

group projects 👥

I hate the idea of group projects... OVER THE SUMMER. I mean right now, that's all I can think about now... I mean there are so many complications overtime, like seriously? Most of the different types of people you get to work with on group project is very annoying... FOR EXAMPLE 1.  The Chief: This... Continue Reading →

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